I'm talking about what FREE anonymity (Tor?) , antivirus, anti-spyware, anti-rootkit, anti-mailware, anti-phisher, anti-hacker, anti-sniffer tools, software and procedures can a common person do to avoid being taken advantage of while browsing or doing business over the internet.
What is the best step-by-step way that a typical internet user can do to protect herself from cybercriminals?computers
Become a subscriber to a computer mag get it monthly.
Make sure you have a fire wall and that its on.
Run an anti virus program Like avg its free or buy a security suit.
Run Spybot,with Spyblaster,Along with ad-ware SE
Don't open unknown E Mails and stay away from porn sites
and game sites,A lot of stuff is piggybacked in on free down loads so be care full where you down load things from and what they are,There are even spyware programs that are Trojans.
If you down load the above programs and keep them up to date you should be reasonably safe
Hope this is helpful
What is the best step-by-step way that a typical internet user can do to protect herself from cybercriminals?hijack this
There are top ten the best and latest anti-spywares in 2007.
Top Ten Anti-Spyware Software Review 2007:
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