Thursday, November 5, 2009

How can I check if my computer security suite is working - I keep getting nothing whenever I run a s

I presently use Firefox exclusively as my browser, Sunbelt Personal Firewall (paid registered version) is always running, Webroot Spy Sweeper is my main anti-spyware with Ad-Aware as secondary backup, and AVG Free edition is my anti-virus. In addition to that, I always run CCleaner after every internet session. I'm running on a Windows 2000 professional OS. Now the thing is that I run a scan with Spy Sweeper and AVG about once a week, but not once in about a year have I gotten anything at the end of any of the scans but "congratulations! no spyware/virus found" at the end of the scans. So what I need to know is whether my security suite is really working that well, or could there be something that it might be overlooking.

Any knowledgeable opinions out there?

How can I check if my computer security suite is working - I keep getting nothing whenever I run a scan?hp

It boils down to this: You can trust your defenses, or you can get paranoid. Why would finding problems make you feel they were working better than not finding problems? If they found two, would you worry there were three?

But if you want to go to the next level, there's a ritual called the Security Tango. Go here to find out about it:

Be warned, it's not a ten-minute procedure.

How can I check if my computer security suite is working - I keep getting nothing whenever I run a scan?mcaffee

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