Monday, October 19, 2009

Music downloading?

I have tried limewire (which gave me alot of viruses), bearshare (spyware), and winmx (slow). Any other free programs that dont have viruses or spy ware? i already us itunes, so please dont tell me that.


Music downloading?kawasaki

Limewire did *NOT* give you viruses, YOU gave yourself viruses. If you're looking for tunes, then only download MP3 files. MP3's do not contain viruses. If you are downloading programs, and you don't use a anti-virus program to scan the file you just got, AND it has a virus, well you just gave yourself a virus!

Limewire - Is the program. It contains ZERO viruses.

Gnutella - Is the network Limewire connects to. It has lots of viruses.

Viruses - If you don't scan for it, then you deserved it.

Music downloading?nortan antivirus

i dnno, i used limewire and it worked fine for me
The only other one I can think of off the top of my head is morpheous, and I dont think that would be any better for the virus situation then limewire, but Im not too sure. I used it without problems, but I have heard horror stories!. Good luck!

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